Monday, September 21, 2009

A hairy solution

I was waiting at a hair salon the other day when conversation broke around me. Two gentlemen began what was, at first, a friendly discussion on current political news. The conversation then gradually progressed to a heated debate on the pros and cons of Capital punishment. Oops, I thought. Here I go again caught in the middle of yet another conversation that was completely beyond the scope of my ‘world’.

Sandwiched between the two men, I did what I had practiced to do in such situations. I put on a face that dripped with intelligence and belied my ignorance on such issues. It is actually not that hard. You can try this too. Bring your eyebrows together very gently to create a slight furrow just above your nose. This tells an onlooker that you are deep in thoughts. Now tuck both lips inside your mouth to indicate that you are deliberately restraining yourself from jumping into the conversation and nod your head this way and that way every few minutes in agreement or disagreement. Hah, here is an absolute must that is sure to help you fit in. Be sure that you massage the back of your neck and rotate your shoulders often in a show to relieve some of the non-existent stress. People can’t help but admire such intelligent looks, such restraint and passive participation. If nothing, it sure beats sitting clueless among strangers with eyes rolled upwards in a prayer to be let out of a scene from what resembles a historical wartime drama.

As I was playing back the scene in my mind on the way back home, I suddenly realized that I had missed a golden opportunity to contribute positively to a discussion. For, I happen to have a solution to the controversial social debate on death penalty. I happen to know a ruthless form of punishment that could easily replace death penalty and have heartless criminals wet their beds in fear. I, an average housewife from the suburbs of Virginia, happen to know an alternative method of justice to the death penalty that will have murderers begging for the electric chair and the victims’ families applauding the simplicity of the solution. I am talking about some serious pain here. I am talking about a torture that is more heinous than any criminal act that warrants such a justice.

If you haven’t tuned in yet, I am talking about an inhuman act called waxing. I will bet you my right ear that any woman or girl who has ever waxed a leg at least once in her life will agree with me that there is no torture/punishment worse than that. (He he he, I am counting on the fact that my right ear is of no use to anyone…just in case the bet goes awry and I need to pay up).

You got a murderer or a rapist? Bring him on and sit him up on a chair. Stir up the hot wax and pour it on his legs, arms and back. Ignore the blood-curdling screams and spread the wax. Press a strip of muslin cloth on the wax and rip it off his skin. If this doesn’t qualify to top capital punishment, I don’t know what does. With every yank, watch the evil drain out of a man as the pain ripples through him. With every yank, discourage another one that is planning to step on the wrong side of the law. Why spend thousands of taxpayers’ money on implementing capital punishment when you can mete out something equally terrible for just over $10.00? If the Supreme Court embraces my suggestion and replaces death penalty with waxing, the Federal treasury is sure to heave a sigh of relief.

I have only one request to make of any man who thinks women are weak and powerless. Try getting your legs waxed just once before you call a woman weak. Please!

-Meena Sankaran


  1. Thanks chithi!! this is the last thing i see after a loong and depressing day.. not so much anymore... ha ha i remember aarthi, Sahana, you and me in the bathroom with laptop and the wax... awesome day! ... do u remember the : u see it now, now you dont" ting LOL love u chithi good night :)

  2. Hmmm let me see...Waxing legs replaces Capital Punishment... Terror ripples through inmates on death row...Appeals fly across begging government to implement the lethal injection instead...

    Think what will happen if it was a BW! They will probably commit suicide... Good one Meena!

  3. haha :) what a great idea! u r simply ingenious my dear!

  4. (blush) You jumped from Emotional Constipation to Waxing? LOLz..

    I will agree if it is THAT type of waxing (I cannot mention the name in mixed company. Clue: South American nation famous for soccer and samba)

    Alternative: Listening Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck, or Republicans 24X7. The convicts will clamor for the sweet, merciful release that is Death ...

  5. I know that you are drowning in homework, quizzes, projects and tests Nivi. If reading my post makes you smile at the end of a tough day, I need no better reward. Hang in there sweetie. High school shall pass.

  6. Here is how I figured this Prashanti. Will I dare to commit a crime when I know

    a) waxing awaits me at the end
    b) electric chair awaits me at the end

    the no brainer answer is A.

  7. I am happy to see that you and I are kindred souls Kavinaya. I honestly think that it would be worth the Supreme Court's time to give my idea its due consideration. :-)

  8. "You jumped from Emotional Constipation to Waxing? LOLz.."

    I thought it would be tiresome to be very predictable. Shocked you, didn't I? :-)

  9. LOL.

    //Alternative: Listening Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck, or Republicans 24X7. //

    Srilatha - you forgot the "big, fat, liar!", the raving lunatic of 'em all :-)

  10. hahaha wow, I really love your blog here!! I'll be one of your supporters of your ingenious idea ;-)

  11. Haha I must agree that the thought is appealing!

    Waxing a leg is not a bad idea, but I'd go for the bikini wax: there can't be a worse torture than this!

    Your blog is very interesting too and thanks for the compliments! I love your style: it's always nice to read posts that are both funny and clever. It's very refreshing!

    I'll definitely look forward to
    reading some more!

  12. Nagu, Reema and Sarah,

    Thank you for endorsing my 'Wax 'em, don't fry 'em' petition. :-)

  13. I am glad you enjoyed the post, My cooking experiments. :-)
